Add Your Linkedin to Monocard

There are two ways to add LinkedIn to your online Monocard profile: personal and for businesses. Check out this tutorial to learn how!

Personal Profile

  1. The first step is to find your username on the network. To do this, go to, navigate to your profile, and click on the three dots. Then, go to Contact Info.
  2. Your username is everything after the /in/ code.
  3. Now, go to our editing platform, enter your email and password, and click on Log In!
  4. There, on the left side of your editing panel, is the Edit Monocard button;Captura de tela 2024-08-16 103018-1
  5. Select the LinkedIn module and enter your username, which is the code copied earlier;
    Captura de tela 2024-08-16 111335

Click the arrow to complete and don't forget to save your changes when you're finished!

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Company Profile


  1. The first step is to find out the username of the company you manage on LinkedIn! Go to, visit your profile, and click on the company you want to get the network record for.
  2. Click on the menu in the upper right corner, then select "Share Page."
  3. The username of your company on LinkedIn is what follows after /company/. Keep it handy to enter into the Monocard profile.
  4. Now, go to our editing platform, enter your email and password, and click on Log In!

  5. There, on the left side of your editing panel, is the Edit Monocard button;Captura de tela 2024-08-16 103018-1
  6. Select the LinkedIn module and enter your username, which is the code copied earlier;
    Captura de tela 2024-08-16 111335

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  7. Click the arrow to complete and don't forget to save your changes when you're finished!